Welcome to the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation

Join us in promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles in Canadian children and youth

Who We Are

The Childhood Healthy Living Foundation is committed to leading a societal shift toward healthy eating and active lifestyles that promote the physical and mental health of children and youth in Canada.

We promote, develop and deliver programs and advocate for policy change that supports healthy eating and active living in environments where children and youth live, learn and play. We believe the focus needs to be on lifestyle, not weight.

How We Help

Why Support Our Cause?

Changes to our food and physical activity environment have radically changed the way we live and as a result a concerning number of children and families in Canada have poor lifestyle behaviours. This places them at increased risk of chronic disease and poor mental health – both of which are significant drivers of healthcare costs.

The Childhood Healthy Living Foundation supports children, youth and families in changing their physical and emotional health by promoting programs and policies that help to improve children and youth’s physical activity, healthy eating, screen time and sleep habits and positive mental health.

What we Do

Promoting, developing and delivering programs and services that support healthy eating and active living.

Generation Health is a fun, interactive and FREE family program for families with children aged 8 to 12-years-old who want to be on a healthy lifestyle path. Program topics include healthy eating, physical activity, positive mental health, screen time, and sleep hygiene.

Advocating for policy change that supports healthy eating and active living

Learn about the Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition. Our Coalition unifies stakeholders through evidence-based research and our policy recommendation, the Ottawa Principles. Through cross-sector collaboration and evidence-informed policy development, we encourage the government to pass federal legislation and adopt robust regulations that adequately protect children from commercial food and beverage marketing in Canada.